Around Ethiopia

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch, lettisch, Russisch
Kosten 3100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Wochen

Day 1st Early morning driving to the Southern part of Ethiopia Hawassa on the way visit:

Adadi Mariam church,

Tiya Stela.

Overnight at Hawasa

Day 2nd After breakfast visit fish market in Lake Hawassa after that driving to Dorze village after that driving to Arbaminch. Overnight at Arbaminch

3rd Early morning driving to Jinka on the way visit:

Konso village,

Keyafer Bena market . Overnight at Jinka

4th In the morning driving to Mursi village visit after that Driving back to Turmi. Overnight at Turmi

5th Driving to Omorate to visit Dasenech tribe after lunch driving to:

Demeka for Hammer Market,

if there is Bull jumping weeding ceremony can be seen.

Overnight Turmi

6th Early morning driving to the Karo village after that driving to Arbaminch. Overnight at Arbaminch

7th In the morning driving to the Lake Chamo visiting:

Crocodile and Hipo,

after that driving to Wendo Genet hot spring swimming in the pool.

Overnight shashemene

8th After breakfast driving to Addis Ababa on the way visit lake Zeway. Overnight Addis Abeba

9th Drive to Debremarkos on the way visit Debrelibanos church and blue Nile bridge. Over night Debre Markos.

10th Early morning drive to Bahirdar on the way visit tilili waterfall and then drive to Bahirdar in the afternoon visit Blue Nile falls. Overnight Bahirdar

11th Visit monasteries in Lake Tana by boat, full day. Overnight Bahirdar

12th In the morning drive to Gonder and then visit:

the Felashia village,

Gonder castle and bath Trinity cathedral church.

Overnight Gonder

13th Early morning drive to Lalibela for full day. Overnight Lalibela

14th Visit 11 church in Lalibela, full day. Overnight at Lalibela

15th Drive to Mekele for full day. Overnight Mekele

16th Drive to the volcano Eart Ale in the night trekking up to the volcano and spend the night close to Volcano

17th Trekking down to the camp and have breakfast after that drive to Afdera Salt lake and hot springs can be seen. Overnight Abala

18th Late in the morning drive to Hamedela and then visit Lake Asale can be visiting during sunset. Overnight Hamedela under the stars on traditional afar bed

19th Early morning drive to the salfuric acid colorful and salt caravan can be seen after that drive back to Mekele. Overnight Mekele

20th Drive to Combolcha for full day on the way visit Lake Hike. Overnight Combolcha

21st Drive back to Addis Ababa for full day


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