Southern part of Ethiopia – adventures in the nature.

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch, Deutsch, lettisch, Russisch
Kosten 2500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

1-st day

After breakfast and short city tour, driving to Ambo. City Ambo is famous with its mineral water, bottled here and sold throughout Ethiopia. The water is so fizzy that it continues to sparkle even after it’s left overnight in a glass! The town also offers an interesting Saturday market where you can find brightly coloured Ambo baskets.

Overnight Ambo.

2-nd day

Today you will visit the waterfalls on the Teltele river. After lunch driving to Guder waterfalls.

Overnight Ambo.

3-th day

After breakfast driving to Wonchi crater lakes (about 35 km) and walking to the campsite.

Camping Wonchi lake.

4-th day

Walking around crater like. Visiting a monastery on the iseland by boats. After lunch you will continue your trip to Welkite.

Overnight Welkite hotel.

5-th day

Continue driving to Jimma. On the way you can see a life of lockal people, to have coffee pauses and take photos.

Overnight Jimma.

6-th day

Walking and visitin the coffee plantations and a small but picturesque waterfall, known as Seka Falls. You can also swim in the water, but it is advised to stay on the left side of the falls, as the current on the right can be strong and according to the locals there are casualties every year.

Overnight Jimma

7-th day

Full day driving to Sodo. On the way wonderful landscapes, local people daily life.

Overnight Sodo.

8-th day

Visiting Adjoura waterfall and trekking in the gorge to one of the waterfall. There are 2 streams – the northern fall – Soke stream, but the southern – Ajacho (Shapa) stream. The canyon formed by the falls is some 5.7 km long and 1.5 – 2 km wide, up to 450 m deep.

Overnight Sodo.

9-th day

Driving to Dorze through Gesuba and visitng a Gesuba waterfall. On the way beautiful mountain sceneries.

Overnight Dorze lodge (or camping)


Visiting Dorze people. The Dorze people live in the Guge mountains near Arba Minch, in a cold and misty climate.

They are famous for their beehive huts – the skilfully built-up to 6 m high huts of the Dorze, which look like beehives, are built only out of organic material, but extremely stable, weather resistant, ncomplicated and mobile.

Overnight Arba Minch

11-th day

Visiting Chamo lake – known for its huge Nile crocodile and hippo population which attracts a large number of tourists. The attractions can be viewed and watched perfectly on a boat trip on the lake.

After lunch relaxing in Forty springs – named after the innumerable little springs that bubble up right at the base of the ridge below the town.

Overnight Arba Minch

12-th day

Almost full day driving to Hawassa. On the way few interesting visitings, coffee pauses and taking photos.

Overnight Hawassa.

13-th day

After breakfast you will visit the Fish market. And after lunch drive to Wondo Genet to have relaxing swimming at the hot springs pool.

Overnight Lepis forest campsite.

14-th day

In the early morning hike is the perfect way to view the Lepis forest’s native bird species, including endemics and near-endemics such as the white-cheeked turaco, yellow-fronted parrot, black-headed siskin, wattled ibis, and Abyssinian salty flycatcher. A picnic lunch can be had along the trail, before continuing on to the waterfall, where visitors will have the opportunity to refresh themselves in the mist, take photographs, and enjoy the gorgeous scenery.

Overnight Lepis forest campsite.

15-th day

Drive to Ziway. On the way visitng Abidjatta-Shalla National Park and Langano lake.

Overnight Ziway.

16- day

Full day driving to Addis Ababa.

Suvenirs shopping and after dinner at tradishional music restaurant transfer to the airport.


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