Omo valley adventure

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch, lettisch, Russisch
Kosten 1400 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Day 1. Drive to Arba Minch. On the way you will visit the Tiya stele site and the Dorze people village who are well known by their weaving and their amazing house building. Depending on the day visiting the local market finally drive back to Arbaminch town

Day 2. Visiting Nechsar National Park. On full day program You will visit Nechsar NP, where you will get a boat trip of Chamo lake and short trekking, after visiting the park you will transfer to your hotel

Day 3. Drive to Jinka. At the morning you will visit the crocodile market. After proceed driving to Jinka, En route you will visit Karat town to visit the interesting Konso people village, watching their cultural landscape terracing which is a UNESCO world heritage, the ancient wooden statues and finally you will visit the Konso people cultural center. En route you will visit the Ari peoples

Day 4. Drive to Mago NP to visit the Mursi people. There are woman who is well known by their clay disc on their lower lip. Then drive back to Jinka. On the way you will visit the Bena peoples, after arrival at Turmi if there is a bull jumping ceremony in Hammer tribe village you will attend the program also you will visit the Hammer people village.

Day 5. Drive to Sodo. Overnight in Sodo.

Day 6. Drive to Lephis Forest. After meeting a local community guide at the Lephis Welcome Tukul, visitors set off along the Finchaa Trail on foot or horseback. The trail begins in the cultivated Forest Enterprise forest, giving visitors the chance to learn about the Forest Enterprise, sustainable forestry, and local conservation efforts.

The trail then winds its way into the natural forest where visitors will encounter enormous, majestic trees that have now become a rarity in Ethiopia, as well as an impressive array of animal life including a number of endemic and near-endemic bird species, baboons, and monkeys. Along the trail, the local guide explains the natural surroundings as well as the history and culture of the area.

Emerging from beneath the dense forest canopy, visitors will be faced with the highlight of the tour: the beautiful Lephis Waterfall. A break at this magical spot offers visitors the opportunity to cool off in the refreshing mist of the cascade, take pictures, watch for nesting birds, and enjoy the area’s scenic beauty.

Overnight Ziway

Day 7. Drive to Bishoftu . On the way visiting an Abijatta-Shalla NP. Overnight in Bishoftu

Day 8. Drive to Addis Abeba.Shopping and transfer to airport.


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