Sprache Englisch
Kosten 210 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

First, tour the Grand Mosque, an impressive new contemporary Islamic building featuring the world's second-largest hand-woven carpet. Continue to the Muttrah Souq and meander the alleyways while absorbing the sights and sounds of market traders selling their wares. Smells of spices, coffee, and perfume fill the air.

From the narrow passageways of Muttrah Souk to the stately walkways at Al Alam Palace, tread in the footsteps of Muscat's inhabitants. Admire the natural scenery and architectural highlights of the city and its picturesque location, sandwiched between the Arabian coast and the Hajjar Mountains.

Gain a historical understanding of Oman inside Bait Al Zubair Museum, as you explore its exhibits' many cultural artifacts. Complete your tour at Al Alam, the official residence of the sultan. Wonder at the harbor's forts, al-Mirani and al-Jilali, the majestic surroundings, and the views out to sea.

While Muscat's development has recently thrived, its ancient and cultural heritage remains valuable. On your half-day tour, see examples of both the old and new.

Please note that the price has mentioned to 5 perosns.


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