Hiking Volcanoes

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 99 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

El Salvador has around 25 Volcanoes and 150 craters,

We have many different options to climb, the most common volcanoes are;

The Ilamatepec volcano or Santa Ana volcano, El Quezaltepec volcano or the San Salvador volcano, El Chinchontepec, El Chaparrastique, El Conchagua Volcano.

I will be more than glad to show you the beauties of these volcanoes.

I have plenty of experience climbing the Ilamatepec, the San Salvador and the Izalco volcanoes.

Come join me, we can go on a private transportation and then I can bring you to the Coatepec lake if you go to the Santa Ana volcano so you can enjoy the beauty of that lake in the same day.

Many tourists from around the world love it, I am sure you will also like it.

Call me for the perfect arrangement and I can get you a good fare based on your budget. The more tourists you are you get a better deal.


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