Mumbai Jewish Tour with Guide and Transport

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

This tour starts with a brief orientation on India’s Jewish communities: the history of their arrival in India 2,000 years ago, geographical spread, the different sects and their culture. The guide will provide you with illustrated

handouts and notes to deepen your understanding of India’s Jews. Over these 2,000 years, the Jewish people and their customs have been accepted. You will start with Sassoon Docks, built by an influential family of Baghdadi Jews, which are bustling with activity in the mornings. From here, you will drive to the Gateway of India - Kenneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue - with its beautiful interiors, and the David Sassoon Library.

Next, you will visit the oldest synagogue in Mumbai, the Shaar Harahamim, or Gate of Mercy Synagogue, built in 1796, by Samaji Hasaji Divekar (Samuel Ezekiel Divekar), a Bene Israeli. From here, you will drive to the Magen David Synagogue, a tall blue building with a Gothic feel that towers over all the other buildings in the area.

You will discover Victoria Terminus (a UNESCO World Heritage site) and Bombay Municipal Building. Drive to

Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai’s unique outdoor laundry system. Your tour will also take you through Marine

Drive/Chowpatty, Oval Maidan, High Court, Bombay University, Flora Fountain and many more unseen places.


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