Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

- I will pick you up from your hotel to enjoy an excursion to Coptic Cairo where you will visit the hanging church which is the first church ever built in Egypt (400 A.D). The church and Abu Serga (San Sergius) Church to see the crypt where the Holy Family was hiding from Herudos after Jesus Christ was born. You can perform pilgrimage as the church is part of the route of the Holy Family.

- Move to the Citadel of Saladin. The Citadel was built by Saladin in 1176 AD to protect Egypt against the crusaders. Mohamed Aly Mosque or the Alabaster Mosque is situated inside the citadel. The mosque was built in 1830 and to a great extent it is a small copy of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey.

- Then proceed to visit the famous mosques of Sultan Hassan and Alrefaie Moques. Sultan Hassan’s Madrassa-Mosque still manages to make a strong impression. The building is a massive example of Mamluk architecture, constructed during the 14th century reign of a sultan who was famous for his extravagant spending. The massive size of the building made it a spectacle in its day, but even modern visitors are certain to be impressed by its beautiful and imposing architecture.

- Head to visit the old market of Khan Elkhalili

- Lunch (OPTIONAL)


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