Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

- I will pick you up from your hotel to enjoy an excursion to The Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. Then proceed to visit and enjoy the Panorama of the pyramids from the front side and take best photos. Then proceed to visit the Great Sphinx, which dates from the time of King Chephren (2600 B.C). The tour also includes a visit to the Valley Temple which belongs to the pyramid of Chephren.

- Lunch between the tours (OPTIONAL)

- Then move to The Egyptian Museum which features artifacts from the Pharaonic period. The museum displays a rare collection of 7000 years of art which is considered the largest most precious collection of Egyptian art in the world. The Egyptian Museum houses more than 160,000 items; in display is over 120,000 genuine artifacts including an exhibit dedicated to Tutankhamen collection of treasures, gold and jewelry which was enclosed in his tomb for over 3,400 years before it was discovered in the 1922s when his tomb was discovered.


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