Taste Of Egypt in Cairo

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Discover the history of Egypt through taste! To enjoy the real taste of Egypt you have to try the Egyptian food the best foods in Egypt which is one of the life’s great pleasures, you will discover great historical sites that very few people get to see., to eat at the places that only locals visit. Learn about the cuisine of the Ancient Egyptians and sample the exciting street food scene alive in Egypt today. Discover the real Egypt that is not covered in any guidebook. Led by a friendly and local guide, with hotel pick-up and drop-off included.

What to Expect

Thousands of years ago, the Ancient Egyptians made wall paintings in tombs, carvings in temples, and inscriptions on vases depicting large and exuberant feats consisting a variety of foods. Many of these luxurious foods are still eaten in Egypt today.

To find the best place to eat in Egypt can be a challenge. Don’t worry we’ll take you to them, There are many delicious food tastings of the Best foods in Egypt. Experience life in a Real Egyptian old sites, Become a Egyptian food expert and learn to spot the fake stuff from the real thing.

Price For Person is 40 USD From 2 To 9 Persons


• Private air-conditioned van

• Private English-speaking guide

• Soft drinks and food

• All Service charges & taxes


• Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary

• Any alcoholic drinks

• Tipping


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