Dendara and Abydos Temples Day Tour from Luxor

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

At 7:00 am Pickup from your Hotel or Nile Cruise in Luxor by your guide then you will be transferred by Private A/C Vehicle to Abydos city Drive north from Luxor for a day to see two of the most complete temples in Egypt. Abydos Temple is dedicated to the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. Arrival Abydos Start your day Tour discovering the ancient sites. First, visit Abydos Temple. Temple of Hathor at Dendara may be the best preserved in Egypt with full color still visible on its walls Temple around 135 km from Luxor , the ancient Egyptian believed of god (Lord of the underworld) to be buried there. The temple was built by King Seti I, and completed by King Ramsess II, known as temple of Seti I. It is located in Abydos city about 420 km to the south of Cairo in Sohag Government, and 135 km from Luxor . The paintings of the Gods and Pharaohs on the walls of the Osiris Temple at Abydos are among the most beautifully preserved in Egypt. 3 hours • Admission Ticket Free Dendera Temple Complex Then continue to Dendara to visit the Temple of Hathor, goddess of love and joy. The temple is located in Dendara which is situated at the north of Luxor at the end of the Tour around 17:00 pm transfer back to the hotel in Luxor .

What's Included

All Transfers by Private A/C latest Model Vehicle

Bottle Water

Hotel/port pickup and drop-off


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