Private transfer from IASI Airport-(IAS) to Chisinau- KIV

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch, rumänisch, Russisch
Kosten 230 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Stunden

I provide a safe and fast private transfer service from IASI Airport IAS or from any address in Iasi to Chisinau. Also I offer round-trip transfer service. This service can be booked up to 3 people.

Travel in the best conditions and escape the hassle of a tiring journey with a comfortable car and experienced driver.

I will meet you at the airport or at your accomodation (with a sign with your name displayed for recognition)

Save time and energy by booking in advance an economical and reliable transfer service from any address in Iasi.


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