Tour by car

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

This tour is very good for people who want to see every popular places in the city in the short time but who don’t want to walk a lot. The tour includes the driving around the city through the famous places: Khreshchatyk street, Independence Square, old cathedrals and monuments and other. You can stop in any place you like for take a photo or enjoy the sights.

Details of prices

1 hour for 1 person = $ 25 / € 22 / ₴ 700

Duration of the tour is about 3 hours.

Every other person + $5 / € 4,5 / ₴ 150

The tour can include no more than 3 people.


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