Pirohiv open air museum

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, ukrainisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

If you want to understand the culture and history of Ukraine, this tour is for you! The open-air museum is filled with examples of old houses, churches and mills. This is example from how people in Kiev used to live and allows you to soak up the experience of living in a Ukrainian village from the 17th century.

Details of prices

1 hour for 1 person* = $ 15 / € 13 / ₴ 450

Every other person* + $5 / € 4,5 / ₴ 150

The price of entrance to the territory for 1 person costs $2 / € 1,7 / ₴ 50

* This price not include the price of entrance.

Duration of the tour is about 3-4 hours.


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