Sprache Englisch, Türkisch
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From the third millennium BCE until medieval times, Harran is mentioned as an important trade center in northern Mesopotamia, situated on the road from the Mediterranean Sea to the heart of Assyria. It is also mentioned as provincial capital in the Assyrian empire (until the late seventh century BCE) and sanctuary of the moon god Sin, well into the third century CE. This sanctuary was called Ehulhul, and was restored by Assyrian rulers like of Šalmaneser (858-824) and Aššurbanipal (668-631).

Other gods venerated in Harran were Sin’s consort Ningal, the Syrian goddess Atargatis and the Arabian goddess Allat (“Mrs. God”). In the Bible, it is mentioned as one of the towns where Abraham stayed on his voyage from Ur to the promised land.note The well where a servant of Abraham met Rebecca, who was to become the wife of Isaac,note is still shown today.


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