Hanoi Classic Foodie tour (food tasting walking tour)

Sprache Spanisch
Kosten 25 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

Discover the historical sights and delectable bites of Hanoi’s Old Quarter on a walking tour. Accompanied by a passionate gastronomic young soul, feast your senses on the exotic flavors of Vietnam; sample fresh fruit, sumptuous street food and local delicacies as you stroll amid the antique charm of the Old Quarter. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Dong Xuan market area, to browse stalls bursting with intriguing produce, and enjoy an intimate experience on this private tour .

The tour would allow you to get to know the best 8-10 dishes of Hanoi from starter to desert until you get full,to get a deep knowleadge into the vietnamese cuisine and culture . From group of 2 the price is 25$/person . Group of one person would be 35$ ,all food included. You also can name your disired dishes as well .


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