Jewish Heritage Tour in Istanbul

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Early Jewish communities in Istanbul were settled mainly in Haskoy, on the banks of the Golden Horn. The later arriving Jews - expelled from Spain and Portugal - were settled in Balat, where a Jewish community already existed. In the 19th century, many Turkish Jews preferred to move to the new, western-looking Galata district, and built several synagogues.

On this tour, we walk the picturesque streets of these three districts along the Golden Horn, Galata, Haskoy and Balat, and the Quincentennial Museum of Turkish Jews. We also take you to Ortakoy on the Bosphorus, once a non-muslim residential district.


Ashkenazi Synagogue-Karaköy District

Quincentennial Museum of Turkish Jews.

Neve Shalom Synagogue- Galata district

Ahrida Synagogue - Balat and Haskoy District

Format: Mixture of walking and private/public vehicle (as appropriately)

Inclusions: Private professional guidance in English.

Exclusions: Entrance Fees of Synagoges and museum

Transportation during the day.


Personal expenses.

Notes: Itineraries can be customized, and/or connected as requested.

*I need to take permits from the Synagogues, for this I will need your passport copies. I suggest that you book this tour as early as possible to give enough time for the permit procedure.


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