Istanbul- Bosphorus & Two Continents Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

We will meet in your hotel and drive to Kabatas to join Bosphorus tour. Boat tour takes 1.5 hour . We can watch beautiful views of Istanbul, Dolmabahçe Palace* (1843-1856) Ottaman residences which are being used as a hotel and school today, and we can take picture of Rumeli Fortress (1452), Anadolu Fortress (1395) bridges which connect 2 continents. After 10 km getting close to Black Sea we turn to asian side to see Yali mansions (wooden waterfront Houses). We turn Back to eurepea to visit Dolmabahçe Palace. We will also cross the Bosphorus Bridge have a breathe at Camlica Hill.

After the tour, I will take you back to your hotel around 18:00 o’clock.**


Boat Tour

Dolmabahce Palace

Spice Bazaar

Rustem Pasha Mosque (Built By Architect Sinan in 1561, selected most beautiful Mosque of Europea in 2007)

Camlıca Hill


Itineraries can be customized, and/or connected as requested

Tour formatin: Transportation/walking Duration: 7-8 Hours

*Dolmabahce Palace is closed on Mondays and Thursdays.

** After the tour we have time to join Turkish Night and Dervish Show (we need to make reservation)


Private professional guidance in English.


Entrance ticket to Dolmabahçe Palace Museum.

Bosphorus boat tour ticket.

Transportation during the day.

Lunch in a Turkish restaurant.

Personal expenses.



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