Back Embark On A Migration Safari That's Like No Other

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 1550 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche

Lake Manyara National Park

Start from Arusha and head to your first destination, the serene Lake Manyara National Park.

After lunch, head into the Lake Manyara National Park, one of Tanzania’s most dramatically located wildlife areas, consisting of a massive but shallow soda lake (covering two-thirds of the park) at the foot of the Great Rift Valley’s western escarpment.

Take note as the park’s varied habitat attracts a wide variety of animals, including one of Africa’s largest concentrations of elephants, Manyara’s famous tree-climbing lions, as well as large flocks of flamingos attracted by the algae in the lake.

Dinner and overnight in the Seronera area, as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested/booked


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