Phnom Kulen National Park 1-Day Tour

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

Morning Tour:

Your day starts at 8 am from Siem Reap, where we’ll start our journey; a first stop will be Phnom Kulen Mountain is located 60km from Siem reap, amongst some of the many spectacular mountain ranges within Cambodia. , also known as “Valley of a Thousand Lingas”, a freshwater river and the Terrace of Sdach Kamlung The freshwater river also feeds a 5-meter waterfall, which during the wet season provides spectacular cascades. Swimming at the top or base of the waterfall is very popular with locals and Tourists all year round.

Afternoon Tour:

Midday we’ll have the opportunity to take a lunch break. You have the option to either eat lunch within restaurants or perhaps relax at one of the many picnic spots along the river feeding Kulen Waterfalls. Both are fully catered and offer a wide variety of Khmer cuisine. After lunch, we’ll visit Preah Ang Thom (reclining Buddha). Preah Ang Thom is an 8-meter tall statue of the reclining Buddha reaching nirvana. After which we’ll slowly travel back to Siem Reap, stopping occasionally to view sites, which will be narrated by our tour guide.


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