Unfading beauty of Old city and luxary Modern Baku

Sprache Azerbaijani, Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Tour starts from “Nagorny Park”. The mountainous park is located on a hill from where you can enjoy a panoramic view to the city and sea. Then guests will visit the "Old City" (Icherisheher) – walking tour. At the territory of "Icherisheher", included to the List of UNESCO heritage sites, several historical and architectural monuments are concentrated, including the Palace of Shirvanshahs, the symbol of the city of Baku - the Maiden Tower, the Caravanserai, mosques, and etc.

The excursion will continue with a trip along the central part of the city with a stop at the most interesting historical and architectural sites. During the tour, tourists will get acquainted with the Central Park, and with the sites located on the promenade (Carpet Museum, International Mugam Center, Old Small Venice, andetc.), walk to the site of the world's first well drilled industrially, from there we will drive to the Black City, which in recent years rapidly turns into a white swan – “White city”, where you can also visit the house-museum "Villa Petrolea" of brothers Nobels.

Next stoppage is the Center of Heydar Aliyev. The architect of this center is the world-famous British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. In this center there are a few museums.

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