Wine Tours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 900 MXN für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

Guadalupe Valley Tours

For wine lovers who want to experience the Guadalupe Valley their way, our concierge service will arrange bespoke wine tours customized to your personal interests and tastes. The Guadalupe Valley has over 180 incredible wine producers who offer tours and tastings. We can tailor tours based on varietals you already love, or help you discover new ones. Though the Guadalupe Valley is best known for its juicy Cabernets and luscious Chardonnays, there is a lot of interesting varietal experimentation going on in the valley. Hoping to diversify your home cellar? A customized tour is the ideal way to revisit old favorites while also finding those hidden gems and rising stars.


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