Vardzia, Rabati, and Borjomi Private Tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 14 Stunden

From Tbilisi, transfer to Borjomi and visit the Balneological health resort, situated in the south-east of Georgia in the Agura river gorge. Discover this picturesque place and its large-leaved and coniferous forests surrounded by the majestic Caucasian mountains. Borjomi is well known for its mineral waters, the source of which is situated in Borjomi Central Park, where those who wish may sample it.

Then, head towards Akhaltsikhe which is cozily situated on both banks of the small river, Potskhovi. Take a tour of this ancient city and visit Rabati Fortress, a complex consisting of many historical castles, towers, and churches. Pay special attention to the halls and marvel at the ancient Georgian architecture. In the lower part of the fortress, you will find a tourist information center, a restaurant, café, and gift shops which you may visit as you please.

Next, visit Vardzia, a cave monastery site which delves into the rock half a kilometer and rises up thirteen tiers, which are connected to each other with a complex system of tunnels. Here, see the preserved large reception hall, living quarters, book depository, wineries, water, and spring water baths. Visit the Church of the Dormition, the central spiritual and monumental focus of the site. On the same north wall are ancient portraits of the royal founders, King Giorgi III and his daughter Queen Tamar.

Then, return to Tbilisi.


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