3 Days Tour from Marrakech and back to Marrakech Via Sahara desert.

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 330 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

3 Days Tour from Marrakech to Sahara desert.

1st day: Marrakech- High atlas mountains- Ait ben haddou kasbahs- Ouarzazate- Dades valley.

We will start our 3 Days Tour from Marrakech to Sahara desert at 8 AM, then head towards High Atlas Mountains through Tichka pass (2260 m) with stops on the way to see Berber villages and magnificent landscapes. Afterwards, we will be in one of the oldest and famous villages in Morocco which is Ait Ben Haddou Kasbah, there where a lot of international movies have been shot such as Gladiator, The mummy and Game of Thrones. Finally, we will drive to Dades valley through Ouarzazate.

2nd Day: Dades valley- Todra gorge- Merzouga- Camel trek and overnight in a Berber camp.

After breakfast, we will head to the Sahara Desert via Tinghir, where you will enjoy Todra Valley from panoramic views then Todra Gorge, which is a national park for rock climbing, from there to Erfoud which is the capital of fossils. Finally, we will be in the sahara desert of Merzouga, there where you’ll cross the Sand Dunes by Camels and spend the night in the middle of the Sahara. After Dinner, you will surround the fire and enjoy Berber music played by nomads under a starry sky.

3rd Day: Merzouga dunes- Draa valley- Anti atlas mountains- Marrakech.

Waking up early to see the sunrise is a must do on the top of a dune nearby the camp. Then, you’ll ride back the camels to the hotel where you’ll have shower and breakfast. On the way back to Marrakech you’ll have an opportunity to see Draa Valley (the biggest valley in the south-east of morocco). Then, cross Anti Atlas Mountains through Ait Saouen Pass 1740 m, then to Marrakech via High Atlas Mountains. Finally, End of our Service of the 3 Days Tour from Marrakech to Sahara desert.


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