Day tour to Wadi Shab

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 360 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Day Trip to Wadi Shab - One of Oman's most spectacular and stunning gorges. It is popular for its crystal clear pools and a secret waterfall inside a cave.

Meeting Point: As a personalized experienced I pick you time by 8:30 AM from your hotel or anywhere from Muscat.

Journey to Wadi Shab: Approx 2 hours. 

Hidden Gems: You will pass through many beautiful Omani villages, see the rugged landscapes of the country and witness the amazing coastline of Oman.

What's the Real Deal: Upon arrival at Wadi Shab, a pleasant boat ride will take you across the lake to begin your hike. The word breathtaking hardly does it justice. You will walk about 45 minutes through the amazing canyon until you arrive at the pools that lead to the Keyhole.

Here you can relax, take a dip in the pools. You will have the opportunity to swim through crystal clear water and dive through a narrow keyhole. The swim will lead you to a magnificent cave with a turquoise water pool and an incredible waterfall.

Conclude your day with a few gorgeous stops. First comes Wadi Tiwi to capture the views in your cameras, followed by lunch at a local restaurant. The journey does not stop there. We will drive through the mountainous landscape arriving at the White beach, then to the dramatic Bimmah Sinkhole. You can refresh yourself with a swim in the clear sparkling waters. Then we head back to Muscat “Your Hotel, Port”.

Recommendations:  Walking shoes or trainers, definitely not flip flops as the terrain is undulating.


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