Kolsay lake and Charyn canyon one day trip

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 13 Stunden

A lot of visitors of Charyn then sayed that they saw in Kazakhstan small copy of the Grand Canyon. Kolsay Lake - it is amazing green lake the cold mountain water. Walking round near of 1.5 hours. Possible to use horses and rent a boat.

For you can try local food in homestay.

It is possible to visit this objects in one day. We need start to arrive from Almaty early in the morning at 6 am and back to the city at 8 pm.

Firstly visit the lake Kolsay lake 1. After lunch way to the Charyn canyon via the Black canyon.

At the Charyn walking by the bottom of canyon near of 2 km to the river and then back to the car.

Price for 1-2 people 200$

Price for 3-6 people 240$

Including: car with driver, English speaking guide.

Excluding: fees, meals.


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