Wine tasting Tour with a lunch in a village

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 64 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Explore one of the oldest and best wine producing regions in Albania and know the history of Berat; how it started producing wines in the 8th century BC. Meet the families who started growing grapes in their own gardens and backyards so they could create Rakia and wine for personal consumption.Go in a village famous for nature and also taste the traditional food

Wine tour itinerary

1st Cobo Winery famous for Kashmer and The red of Berat

• Why Kashmer ? Because it combines with the classical triple Kabernet Shesh and Merlot.The Red of Berat is inspired by the red color of our famous Painter called Onufri.Shesh I Bardhe or Shesh I Zi indigenous Albanian grape comes in 2 kinds - White or Red White wine Price 90 eur ( flexible prices )

2nd Roshnik village and Alpeta Winery The place of Puls.

• This is the place where the famous puls are cultivated since a thousand years, even before Alpeta was not a famous winery in Albania. It is like a hidden treasure keeping the authenticity and taking care about their Pules. This Grape is not just a grape for them but is part of their identity. The village .Itself is magical surrounded by hills lakes valleys and vineyards. From there we have a full panorama of Tomorri Mountain After wine tasting, we will have lunch prepared by a local product .Visit The house where Six Grand Vesir of Ottoman empire comes from.A little bit of walk around the village after lunch and get ready to go on the best Albanian Winery called

Price 48 euro both wineries

Whats Included :

• Transportation per all itinerary English Tour Guide ,

• Wine degustation Cobo winery ,Alpeta Winery

• Lunch on Roshnik in traditional restaurant .


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