Secrets of Podil & Andreevski descent

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 75 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

What to expect:

“Podil” – is one of the oldest district in Ukraine, full with not only cool bars, cafes and restaurants but of SECRETS. What kind of?

For example, about place which in 19 century – were as popular as tinder app nowadays, for meeting your soulmate/muse or at list a date. About unexpectable shape of Kiev founders family and secret place for salsa fans.. Not sure that I will rock your world with a knew that here - there were oldest Academy in Western Europe which is working for now, but I believe that you will like hill where witches were making their spirit rituals, house with gouts and incredibly beautiful, but almost empty luxurious quartier.. This place also full of street art, open-air market and young people. You will defiantly like its atmosphere. So. This part of the city – is must-see!

What exactly we will see:

 River Port

 Best place for salsa dancing

 Founders Family monument

 Sagaydachnogo street

 Kievo-Mogilanska Academy

 Vozdvigenka

 Andriivski Discent

 Andriivska church

 House with a ghost

 Suveniours market

 Maybe several witches (no guaranteed but expected)

Time: 2 hours 30 min

Distance: 3,5 km

We will meet here:

on the Independence square (Maydan)

Prices for a private tour:

*any route in English with a group of

1-3 persons - 75 euro (every next hour of tour - 25 eur)

4-10 persons - 120 euro (every next hour of tour - 40 euro)

11 - 20 persons - 165 euro (every next hour of tour - 55 euro)


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