Ancient city

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, ukrainisch
Kosten 75 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

What to expect:

I believe that almost every nation in different period of history were in the bloom. Just remember Maya, Roman, Portuguies, Osman Imperia’s..etc.etc… The same happened here – in Kiev! From 10 till 13 century there were a huge state bigger than nowadays Ukraine - called Kievan Rus. With strong and powerful leaders, who’s name’s somehow remember even teenagers (and we all know that young people are not big fans of history only when its Game of Thrones or Tanks)

After this tour you will defiantly be shocked about Kiev age and beauty (usually it is not so easy to stay in a good shape after so many years). You will know a little bit of our history, see top 5 places in Old town and have some fun in a good company.

What we will see:

 Golden Gate

 St.Sophia Cathedral

 Bogdan Khmelnitsky monument

 Old Kiev hill

 Andriivska church

 St. Michael Cathedral

 St.Olga&St;.Andrew

 Vladimirsky hill

 European Square

Time: 2 hours 30 min

Distance: 3.5 km

We will meet here:

on the Independence square (Maydan)

Prices for a private tour:

*any route in English with a group of

1-3 persons - 75 euro (every next hour of tour - 25 eur)

4-10 persons - 120 euro (every next hour of tour - 40 euro)

11 - 20 persons - 165 euro (every next hour of tour - 55 euro)


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