Hire a Minibus in Kyrgyzstan: driver /w Mercedes Sprinter

Sprache Englisch, Kyrgyz, Russisch, Türkisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Dear guests of our Kyrgyzstan Let`s Introduce my dear friend wich I knows as the frendly, tactful,punctual high skilled professional driver with 40 years expirience on his minibus Merceedes-Benz Sprinter He traveled all Central Asian Countries. With 18 passengers capacity plus 5-6 bags or 14passengers plus 14 bags capacity.A car equipted by double wheel on the rear axel wich is making more passable on off-road.SO if you`re a big groupe of travellers that making cheapper of your tour The Prices are flexible for his services.You`re just right can right me the private message I can contact with him.

His Tours by the Silk Road to Naryn (Tash-Rabat, Son-Kul), Issy-Kul(Ala-Kul, Jergalan, Karkyra, Karakol, Jet-Oguz, Barskoon Valleys), Talas (Besh-Tash, Urmaral, Kirovka), Jalal-Abad (Arslanbob, Sary-Chelek Toktogul water reservuar)Osh Sulayman Too. Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Valleys, Canyons, Waterfalls, Hot and Cold Springs, Forests, Historical Places, Petroglifes, Recreation Centers in Issyk-Kul, Issyk-Ata, Ala-Archa National Park, Chong-Kemin, Belogorka Valley, Burana, Kegety Valley,Kol-Tor Lake, Shamshy Gorge, Konorchek Canyon Support entertainment options: Horse riding tours, Boat trips,Water Sports, Cayaking, Natural Termal Hot Springs, Golden Eagle, Falcon, Hawk Hunting, Ski Tours, Rafting, Paragliding, Climbing, Bicycling, Quadro Tours, Moto tours, Handcrafting tours.

The prices for 1-2day trip: 180$

The prices for 3-4days trip: 170$ per 1 day

The prices for 5-6 days trip: 160$ per 1 day

The prices for 7-8days trip: 160$ per 1 day

The prices for 9-10 days trip: 150$ per 1 day

The prices for 11-12 days trip: 140$ per 1 day

The prices for 13-14days trip: 130$ per 1 day

The prices for 15-16 days trip: 120$ per 1 day

The prices for from 17-20 days trip: 110$ per 1 day

The is including English Speaking Guides Work


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