Bollywood Tour with Guide and Transport

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

After pick-up from your Mumbai hotel, or the port or railway station, set off to explore by air-conditioned vehicle.

Hear about Mumbai’s place as India’s largest city and home of the Bollywood movie industry.

Enjoy a Move for Dance Show based on the film, music and dances of Bollywood films, a combination of formal and folk Indian traditional music and dance traditions fused with Middle Eastern techniques. Bollywood dances have evolved as a unique and energetic style. These groups of dancers will perform 5 Bollywood dances in front of the audience, and you will get a chance to learn and dance along with the dancers.

You'll get thorough explanations pertaining to special effects, seeing Bollywood cafés, Bollywood Costume gallery and Bollywood museum. Continue on a tour past the homes of famous Bollywood stars in exclusive areas of Mumbai, before a transfer and drop off back at your city center hotel. At Mystical Mumbai you'll get earnest contentment and the best of travelling experience.


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