Full day from Amman to Petra

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Discover the essence of our captivating tour as we unlock hidden treasures, immerse in vibrant cultures, and embrace unforgettable experiences. Expert guides, small group sizes, and authentic connections ensure an enriching journey. Customize your adventure, relish safety and comfort, and create lasting memories. Join us today for an exceptional travel experience!

Amman (Pass By) Start your journey from your residence! 1 Petra - Wadi Musa The itinerary of the trip to Petra From Amman is at 7:30 am. There will be a rest for breakfast, Then continue to Petra. 3 hours 30 minutes • Admission Ticket 2 Petra - Wadi Musa Begin the unforgettable journey of you life in the Pink City and one of the 7 wonders in the world with the beautiful view of the treasure, Theater and Little Petra! 3 hours • Admission Ticket 3 Amman After your journey it's time to be heading back towards Amman!


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