Peles & Bran Castle and Brasov Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 125 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

We leave at 8AM, in early morning from your hotel in Bucharest, to be sure that we won't have surprises on the road because of the traffic. Our first stop is Sinaia, a mountain resort from the popular Prahova Valley where we'll visit our first castle.The day tour will begin with the tour of Peles Castle, castle used by the royal family in the 19th and 20th century. The mountain and the elegant gardens from around the castle adds even ore charm to this extraordinary castle. Inside, you will see the luxury: golden chandeliers, walnut tree carvings, marble fountains, Venetian mirrors, secret chambers, a royal armory, one of the finest collections of art in Eastern and Central Europe and exotic timbers and solid bronze doors.Bran Castle also known as “Dracula’s Castle” is the second stop for us in Peles, Bran, Brasov Tour, the castle is built on a hilltop with view on each part of the valley. The castle got its fame from the novel “Dracula”, written by Bram Stoker and Dracula movie due later directed by Francisc Ford Copplola.We will visit the castle’s many well-preserved rooms and chambers. Gothic furnishings and details help set the scene for ghastly legends of all that happened here, including the imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler.We will have time to take some souvenirs just outside of the castle, where you can find “Dracula” gifts, and local handmade things of wool and wood.After or before the Bran Castle tour we will take a short break to eat something traditional in Bran. The lunch is included in Peles, Bran, Brasov Tour.Next up in the Peles, Bran, Brasov Tour is the Brasov tour where we will show you the highlights building and history of the old town. Starting more than 900 years ago the history of Brasov is very close to the knights, the Saxons and the invaders.We will walk and talk about the Black Church, the narrowest street in Eastern Europe and about the life of the medieval population of the city.You will understand why is the CROWN city and why we have two medieval parts of the city, the Romanian part and the Saxon one.You will reach extraordinary places that will gave you some great views over the city, and very good spots for photos.At the end of Peles, Bran, Brasov Tour we will hit the road back to Bucharest.We will be back in Bucharest late in the evening, around 9PM.


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