Bike-seeing of Belgrade and surrounding nature - tailor-made (from 3-4 hours to one-day tours)

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch
Kosten 20 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

We will ride bicycles along the river Sava and the Danube, experience life of locals from hidden corners and river clubs, see ex-Yugoslav non-allied and communist architectural heritage, explore beaches of Great War Island, Lido, or Ada Ciganlija. Of course, we can swim and engage in other sports while there!

We can watch protected birds while on Lido, along the river Sava, or in the surrounding nature, while on a longer or whole day ride to the nearby villages. There are optional activities such as visiting to ethno-farm, horseback riding, angling, etc.


-I do not provide bikes - you can rent them and the equipment on several locations in the city. I only provide you unique bike-seeing experience.

-price depends on the tour duration. The one given below is for a basic city bike-seeing tour, which is the least demanding one.

-3 people are minimum for a guided tour.


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