Ethnocultural and Historical Discoveries of the Yaounde City

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 850 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Departure from the hotel, City tour through some of the important monuments, statues of heroes who marked the history of Yaounde and Cameroon.

Here, you shall have the possibility of also coming closer to the four main cultural zones of Cameroon represented in well selected museums like The National museum for Four cultural zones experience, History of Cameroon, the ethnographical museum for the inside of the Fang-Beti-Bulu customs and traditions and Blactitude museum for the inside of the Grass field cultural zone customs and traditions, all in Yaounde and found in the museums. Then to the International handicraft centre or other shopping centers for traditional dressing fabrics where you could purchase some wonderful souvenirs of locally made fabrics from cotton, metals, cane, bamboos, raffia palms, wood , clay into dressing outfit, musical instruments, cooking utencils, jewelries embroidery, bringing you closer to the customs and traditions of all the zones.

Then back to the Hotel.

End of services.


The price include the following;

*a bottle of water;

*entrance fees ,

*air conditioned transportation,+driver+fuel

*professional Guide. *Lunch

The price does not include the following,



-tips and other expenses.

Liable for changes depending on your interest. So contact me if need be. Thanks.


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