A day trip in Arusha national Park.

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

Arusha national park is one of the best park which is found to the northern part of Tanzania. Am offer to you to do a walking Safari in the park more than game drive but you get a time to walk with a ranger where you can ables to see the animals very close with you like Buffalo, warthog, giraffe and other animals and also we bring you to the waterfall where you get a good picture for your memory and experience of nature. Then we take you to the best view point around the lakes to have lunch where you can see the hippotamus and flamingo. Also after lunch we take you to the ngurudoto crater where you can see the buffalo and black and white colubus monkey on the trees. This is the type of animals which is found in arusha national park like elephant, Buffalo, leopard,hyena, waterbuck,zebra,reddyker,dik dik, baboon, black and white colubus monkey,


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