Amazing Adventure

Sprache Armenisch, Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 240 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 14 Stunden

I offer you a fascinating excursion to the ancient astronomical observatory Karahunge, Devil's Bridge and the ancient cave city Khndzoresk in a new and comfortable Mercedes-benz car and exclusive services in Armenia.

Your comfort is my main priority!

Amaze yourself with me!

The excursion starts at 09:00 at the location you specified

1 point

The ancient astronomical observatory Karahunge is located at an altitude of 1800 meters in the Syunik region, near the city of Sisian. The complex of 223 stones, also called Zorats Karer (Stone Army), according to various sources, has more than five thousand years of history, and which is also very similar with Stonehenge in England. This is a very interesting place for lovers of history, astronomy, as well as for lovers of wonderful walks in the fresh air.

2 point

The Devil's Bridge is a natural 30-meter bridge that leads into a network of majestic rock caves (entrance down into the caves only with equipment). The attraction is located next to the Tatev ropeway, in the deep part of the Vorotan River Gorge (about 800 meters). For centuries, this natural monument has served as entertainments for local people who came here and bathed in healing ponds and in the river, as well as for adventure lovers who came down to explore the caves.

3 point

The ancient cave city Khndzoresk, which means Apple is located next to the same name village, in 15 km from the city of Goris, in the Syunik region. This unique city is built inside rock caves and practical is impregnable, and which for many centuries has been a strategic point of this region for the Armenian armies. From the hill to the city, above the gorge stretches a swinging bridge, from where opens a fantastic landscape. In the city you will have the opportunity to explore the ancient cave houses where lived the families, school and the old Church,also there will be the time to take rare and make photos for memory.

Excursion Include:

Guide service

Photo service

Treats in the car

Free Wi-Fi

Transportation expenses

Hotel pick-up & drop-off

Excursion exclude:


Sightseeing Tickets

Payment of the excursion charged in the beginning of the tour


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