Obidos – Alcobaça – Batalha – Nazare – Fatima tour

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 280 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 9 Stunden

Obidos, Alcobaça and Batalha are cities with a big and dramatic history. Obidos is a city that to this day has preserved its borders and culture within the fortress walls. Then we will see the wonderful monasteries in Alcobaça and Batalha. Lunch in Nazare, a coastal fishing village, where you will taste delicious fresh fish and where you can see the most gigantic ocean waves. Then we will go to Fátima, the mostly visited Catholic centre.

We suggest you get acquainted with fishing villages and historical towns near Lisbon.

During this one-day tour, take a stroll through the medieval streets of Óbidos and immerse yourself in its historic atmosphere; be inspired by the romance of Alcobaça; look at the heroic monastery in Batalha, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List; relax on the Atlantic coast in Nazaré; and receive pacification in the Catholic shrine in Fatima.

The city museum of Óbidos recalls the scenery of a good fairytale from childhood: cozy streets with paved sidewalks and white villas, surrounded by bright flowers and fruit trees. Love and harmony reign in the city: in the XIII century King Denis donated the city to his wife Isabella on their wedding day, and since then, for many centuries, newlyweds from all over the world are striving to hold a wedding ceremony and a honeymoon here. "Cherry on the cake" is berry liqueur "Ginja", which is served in chocolate cups in the old restaurants and cafes in Obidos.

Romantic spirit awaits you in the city of Alcobaça, the iconic landmark of which is the majestic monastery of Santa Maria with the tombs of King Pedro and his beloved Ines, the Portuguese "Romeo and Juliet", whose sad but full of love immortal story touches the hearts.

In the city of Batalha, there is a handsome monastery of Santa Maria da Vitoria, which perpetuated the triumph, the victory of King Juan I at the Battle of Aljubarroth in 1385. You can endlessly describe the power and magnificence of this late Gothic masterpiece with elements of exclusively Portuguese style "Manueline", but it is better to see with your own eyes.

Next we will go to Fatima, the Catholic Mecca and one of the most visited places of Catholic pilgrimage in the world. A hundred years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children, predicting future events. During the last phenomenon, more than 70 thousand people gathered and witnessed "heavenly dance": the rain stopped, the sky brightened, filling the valley with rainbow colors, and the sun jumped from side to side...

Excursion car-pedestrian, duration of excursion: 8 hours

Provide: by a professional driver (tourism)


1-3 pax – 280€

4-7 pax – 320€

8 pax – 340€

1-19 pax - by arrangement


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