Bike Tour around the Lake Velence

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, ungarisch
Kosten 490 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

We start our tour by train from South Railway Station in Budapest to Lake Velence. We pick up our bicycles in Gárdony and we cycle around the third biggest lake in Hungary. Most part of the lake is covered by reed and it is home of many kind of birds.

What about watching the birds, enjoying the beautiful nature, the amazing lookout on to the sea and discovering the real countryside villages and houses by bike? It is really just fun, we enjoy the beautiful nature and amazing view from the lookout tower on the lake. The length of the tour is ca. 40 km, it is an easy bike tour, there are no big hills. Of course we don't skip the Hungarian "Langos" which is a must-taste if you are in Hungary. It is a deep fried dough, our national "street food" which is very popular in the summer on the lidos. We discover the Military Memorial Park which takes us back into the time of revolution in 1848-49. We taste Hungarian fishsoup and other traditional food in a fascinating, very old and popular restaurant on the Szunyog-Island. After the lunch we follow our way along the lake. Our last stop is a Palinka Distillary where we get to know how it is produced and we also taste real Hungarian Palinka. After our bike tour we return back to Budapest by train.

Main highlights:

Train trip from Budapest

Biking on a safe bike path

Watching birds and the beautiful nature (lookout tower)

Discovering the Hungarian countryside

Tasting of Langos (traditional Hungarian street food)

Visit of War Memorial Park

Lunch in a traditional Hungarian restaurant

Visit of Palinka Distillary, tasting of Palinka

return to Budapest by train

Optional: swimming in the lake or tracking in the hills


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