Monteverde Cloud Forest Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 12 Stunden

This type of ecosystem, of great beauty, reminds us of those mysterious forests or enchanted forests of tales and fables. It is an ecosystem different from the dry forest or tropical rainforest, located at a higher altitude. The constant presence of clouds is one of the most outstanding climatic characteristics.

Monteverde is located in the Tilarán mountain range, the smallest in the country. To reach this destination you will have to cross part of the dry forest in the province of Guanacaste until you reach the town of Las Juntas where the ascent begins until about 4593 feet (1.500 mts) of elevation. The views from the top will get your attention, on clear days you can see the Nicoya Peninsula.

Our main activity in Monteverde is a naturalistic guided hike on a path within the cloud forest. Along the path you will find 8 suspension bridges with lengths between 147 to 1410 feet (44 to 430 mts). The perspective of the forest from these bridges is very different. It's like having a big explosion of plants, they grow everywhere!

Once the walk on the bridges is over, you can visit the hummingbird garden, where you will have the opportunity to see them up close.

After the walk you will have a traditional lunch at Café Don Juan, and we will take you on a coffee tour through the plantations of the place.

Tour Duration

Full day


Bilingual guide, Transportation with AC, Water, Lunch and Ticket to Hanging Bridges

What to Bring

Hiking shoes, Hat, Binoculars, Repellent, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Rain Poncho and Money


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