Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, japanisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 25 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Ourika valley day trip is the closest day trip destination from Marrakech, due to its many waterfalls and wondeful nature, it is a very popular attraction , the Ourika valley spreads between the first foothills of the Atlas Mountains. Despite it being so close to Marrakech, this beautiful lush green valley is definitely one of the best preserved valleys in Morocco. At about 64km from Marrakech, the village lays at the end of the road, but an offroad (to Timichi) and then a mule track continues up the valley to pass to Tacheddirt and Oukaimeden, which has the best skiing station in Morocco and interesting prehistoric rock carvings. The path also continues through the mountain to Imlil and Toubkal, making it a useful starting/finishing point for trekkers. So this day trip to the picturesque village of Ourika will allow you to experience some of the beauty of the North African countryside without sacrificing the comforts of your hotel or riad. Going arround the valley takes a bit of effort and good shoes and comfy clothes, there is a little bit of climbing rocks here and there to reach all the seven waterfalls of Setti Fatma . All treks are led and supervised by qualified and experienced guides and mule handlers, drawn from the local populace. You will also be crossing many berber bridges to get from one side of the valley to the other, a great spot to catch some wonderful panoramic pictures !! Despite it being close to Marrakech, Ourika valley is still inhabited by berber villagers living in a traditional lifestyle that can be considered "unspoiled".


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