Fes – Foodie Tour: Half Day

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, japanisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 45 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

One of the best ways to encounter and understand another culture is through food. This half day tour focuses on some traditional Moroccan snacks and street foods, as well as Fassi specialties.

Nosh your way through the winding alleys of the medina with a licensed guide who will explain some of the well-known and well-loved comfort foods for Moroccans. Load up on carbs at a bakery case, which among several types of bread typically includes varieties of msemmen: a sort of pan-fried folded crepe as well as harsha: semolina flatbread cooked on a stove-top. Taste different varieties of honey and smen (clarified then aged butter) at the Fondouk Kaat Smen, both of which impart classic and unique flavors into traditional recipes. Pastry cases are full of chebakia and other syrup-laden delicacies as well as briouats, Morocco’s answer to the egg roll, which are served sweet or savory. You will undoubtedly catch the scent of a rich broth in which simmers fresh snails, offered by the bowlful. Liquid comfort can also be found in classic soups such as bessara, made with dried fava beans and flavored with cumin and olive oil, and harira, traditionally eaten during Ramadan to break the day’s fast. Sample khlia, a sort of meat jerky preserved in fat and maakouda, deep-fried potato fritters – delicious on their own or on a sandwich with optional toppings such as olives, hot or tomato sauce and eggs. Other specialty stands abound: countless flavors of nougat usually found close to mosques and shrines, dates and other dried fruits and of course, endless varieties of olives.

* Price for the Fes Foodie Tour is per person, 2 person minimum per tour.


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