Sprache Kantonesische, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 65 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Essaouira day trip from Marrakech is a must do day trip. Essaouira Situates in 175 kilometers away from Marrakech. The beach of Essaouira is a long ribbon of around ten kilometres bathed in surf. Its sheer size is surprising and its tranquillity is reassuring. There is an invigorating sensation from the ocean breeze as soon as you set foot on the immaculate sand., you will also admire the view of goats on trees. Essaouira is a medieval city known for its annual festival of Gnaoua music. The UNESCO considers the city to be an international heritage. There are many other things to admire during your Essaouira day trip from Marrakech such as its pleasant weather, place Moulay El Hassan, La Skala,the port, the ramparts, and the Jewish district 'Derb Lealouj'. thanks to the ocean breeze, Essaouira benefits from cool air.


Your driver will pick you up at 08am, and start your Essaouira day trip from Marrakech, enjoying the natural surrounding country side on this Essaouira excursion. You have the opportunity to visit an argan Cooperative on the way as the the region is known for argan oil. See how women in the Cooperative work hardly and with enthusiasm to get the oil from the Argan nuts to make cosmetics or delicious oil for food. You will discover an operation that requires some time and efforts from the women involved. Once we arrive in Essaouira, you have the full day to explore medina which is surrounded by medieval walls, with a castle standing at their Southern edge. Its white-washed and blue-shuttered houses give it a gorgeous look. Take a stroll in its amusing narrow streets exploring the ancient French and Portuguese architecture enjoy the beach, visit the harbour and enjoy a delcious lunch in one of the restaurants of the fishing port .if you wish you can take a local guide for a city tour,but we recommend to go all over on your own because it is the best way to visit this small and quiet town . Return to marrakech in the evening at around 6pm.


Pick-up from your hotel, riad, or accommodation in Marrakech.

Drop off at your hotel, riad or accommodation in Marrakech

Duration : 8am - 6pm

Maximale group size: 6 people to ensure more personalized attention from your guide

Essaouira day trip from Marrakec in a: 4x4 Toyota Tx Prado or minvan


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