Cairo Day Tour (Pyramids and Sakkara)

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Indonesisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Cairo Day Tour is specially for people are dreaming to see the great Pyramids of Giza & Sphinx , Sakkara step pyramid , and Dahshor ( Red & Bent Pyramid).

An Over day Tour to enjoy the most of Cairo just in one day , come and visit Egypt and will for sure return again.

Tour Highlights:

Cairo in 8 hours , see the Pyramids of Giza & Sphinx , Dahshor pyramids and the Step Pyramid of Sakkara ,you will enjoy being around the Pharaohs and you will walk like an Egyptian.

The Itinerary:-

Pick you up from your hotel and start Visiting the Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx. , you can choose whatever you want to do in your Free Time Including Camel Ride around the Pyramids too.

Drive south to Sakkara to see the Step pyramid of King Zoser. after that we will keep going to the South and visit the Pyramids of Dahshor to get the most Power and Energy from those Pyramids of the Ancient Egyptians.

It's Friendly day tour to feel the most Powerful Spots on the Earth which is the Great Pyramids of Giza , See Camels around the Pyramids and may be if you lucky you can pick one of this Camels and Explore the 9 Pyramids and take your Photos from top of your Camel.

Tour Inclusions:

A Tour Guide .

A Bottle of water and a Soft drink .

A/C Van.

Free City Tour .

Tour Exclusions:

The Entrance Fees to the Sightseeing.


Price start from 350 LE


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