Cairo Nile Dinner Cruise & Show

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Indonesisch
Kosten 36 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Stunden

Sooth yourself with an evening on the Nile with dinner and a show. Admire the lights of downtown Cairo while enjoying a delicious dinner with a belly dancing and Egyptian folklore show on a two-hour cruise.


It is a fabulous way to enjoy a night on the Nile while you are in Cairo. So, you are invited to dinner on a cruise boat for two hours sailing trip on the Nile with belly dancer, folklore show, Oriental music and dinner on a 5 star cruise. All the time, you'll be delighted in our Chef's menu along with a selection of Egyptian favorites, made with the freshest ingredients, and prepared to make it a memorable dining experience.


Pick up services from hotel & return.

All transfers by an air-conditioned vehicle.

Open buffet dinner.

Belly Dancer & Oriental Show.

Western Show.

All taxes & service charge.


Any extras not mentioned in the program.

Beverage during dinner.



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