kandovan rocky village

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

This is a very beautiful village that is diged insude of ricky montain and it is the unice rovky village in the world that life follow inside of it and people live in this houses

This village is licated in the west side of tabriz city near by sku city in a montained zone

we can go there by car and dont need to hiking

also there is a very beautiful rocky hotel at this village for travelers

Kandovan village is placed at 60 km. of west south of Tabriz and 18 km of Osku city. againist the other places this village's house are in side of rocks that has diged by hand about 7sentury ago or more. it has been said that at the Mongol invade time to iran people of neighboe village came to here and started to dig the rocks for hid ans save their life and in this way this village established . although some others are belived that this place wes there even before islam that is more than 1400 years ago Now there is only 3 rocky village in the world in: Turky , Usa and Iran but only in kandovan there is habitance of 170 family that ate living inside of these and it make this village unique in the world and very famous. As this village has changed to a tiurism place at this time so some of this houses are changed to local shop and are saling handicraft of that zone I visit this village at friday 26 July 2019 and take some photos and videos by my phone that mow share with you Thanks

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