Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

MINI BATINAH TOUR (7 hrs with saloon car):

This tour takes you into the Batinah region, perhaps the most fertile and lush green coastal region of northern Oman and also offers you a few glimpses into Oman’s rich history with a visit to some lovely old forts. First visit the very lively, interesting fish market in Seeb, which takes place in the early morning hours on the open beach. Drive directly to Al Hazm, one of the most famous forts of Oman, well known due to its marvelous architecture boasting numerous secret passageways and hidden rooms. Drive through Rustaq, where we stop briefly at the hot water springs. Later visit Nakhl, where a pre-islamic fort perched up on a hillock offers a splendid view of the surrounding planes. Not very far away from the fort are the famous hot water springs of Nakhl, also a popular picnic spot. Before returning back to Muscat, do a brief photostop of the Zulfa Mosque lit up marvelously by the afternoon sun.** PICNIC LUNCH ADDITIONAL COST US $ 15 PER PERSON


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