Zanzibar Full day Safari Blue sea adventure

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Stunden

Full Day Cruise (Safari Blue sea adventure)

Best of all tour in Zanzibar

Zanzibar cruise

Full Day Cruise in Zanzibar

A full day cruise on a traditional dhow boat at the southern coastline of Zanzibar. This magical journey will take you on an exploration of the Indian Ocean from Fumba fishing village to the Menai Bay conservation area. The day includes snorkeling at a sand bank, swimming, relaxing, exploring the Kwale Island, drinks, and a sea food buffet.


You will get to visit a sadbank, enjoy some fruits and swimming


The boat will take you to see the beautoful coral reefs of the area

Sea food BBQ

On Kwale island you will enjoy sea food and side dishes and get to see the nature of the island. If you cannot eat sea food – please let us know ahead!

The dhow boat

The cruise will be made with a traditional sailing boat, the dhow. The boat will be for you only, unless you enquire the sharing tour.

Ready for Zanzibar day cruise?

The tour starts in the morning and continue until Evening , Zanzibar is tidal area, so things can happen in different order according to the tide. This cruise takes place in the southern tips of Zanzibar

Private Transfer is included

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