Horseback riding tour Chon Kemin

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 205 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden


Horseback riding tour Chon-Kemin and infinite nature…

We will leave Bishkek early in the morning, the road takes about 2 hours by car, upon arrival in the Chon Kemin National Park, we will begin our horseback ride.

We will learn to feel and control the horse. The groom will always be with us, so even if you don’t have enough horse riding experience, feel free to try it.

After horseback riding, we will have lunch with a local family in Chon Kemin, get acquainted with their lifestyle, and continue on to Bishkek. Upon arrival in Bishkek, we will deliver you to the hotel.

Places we will visit: Chon Kemin Nature Park

Duration of the tour – 10 hours

Pickup from the hotel –08:00

Return to the hotel –18:00

Take with you: Sunglasses, helmet, warm clothes, sun cream

Price includes:


Horseman, local guide

Lunch at Chon Kemin


Price excludes:

Personal insurance

Personal expenses

Horse riding


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