Kashan half-day tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 35 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Fin garden

This is a famous and very beautiful garden, with its pools and orchards is a highlight of Kashan. The garden covers 2.3 hectares with a main yard surrounded by ramparts with four circular towers. In keeping with many of the Persian gardens of this era, the Fin Garden employs a great many water features.

Boroujerdiha House

The house was built in 1857 by architect Ustad Ali Maryam, for the bride of Haji Mehdi Borujerdi, a wealthy merchant. It consists of a rectangular beautiful courtyard, delightful wall paintings by the royal painter Kamal-ol-molk, and three 40 meter tall wind towers which help cool the house to unusually cool temperatures. It has 3 entrances, and all the classic signatures of traditional Persian residential architecture, such as biruni and daruni (andarun). The house took eighteen years to build using 150 craftsmen.


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