sahara , all in one

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 210 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

Departure in the direction of the 3rd biggest roman coliseum in the world after crossing 170 km in the motorway.

the visit will last 1h15min and then we will continue to Matmata to visit the Berber houses Dugged in the sand.

lunch in a berber hotel

after that we will continue to Douz the city known as the gate to the desert to pass the night and if you want to enjoy the camel ride during the sunset crossing the sand dunes.

The second day we will leave douz to cross the biggest salt lake in Africa “shott eld jerid”

we will have a stop for 30min to give you the opportunity to walk on the salt and enjoy the “mirage”

lunch in tozeur

then we will visit the “oasis” of tozeur on horses and carriages and I will give an idea about the artificial fecundation of palm date trees and the harvesting traditional way of dates.

dinner and overnight in tozeur

3rd day

after breakfast in tozeur we have to move to a 4x4 car and go to visit the place of filming of star wars and the mountain oasis of chebika with the natural spring of water and its waterfall

we will have lunch in gafsa hotel Jugurtha palace 5* .

after lunch we will make our way back to Kairouan and we will visit the outside of the great mosque.

then we will make our way back to hammamet.


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